Herald, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Guide to Successful Submissions: Armory

This guide is intended to provide an overview of what is required for a successful heraldic submission. It does not attempt to replace the Administrative Handbook or SENA (Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory), but rather provide a guide to what is required and a checklist of common pitfalls to avoid. Consult SCA College of Arms - Rules and Regulations for more information. Consulting heralds should read and be familiar with the content of this page. Please ask questions of your senior heralds if you have them!

Requirements for Armory Submissions

  • Two copies (one b&w line drawing and one colored emblazon) of a properly filled-out armory form
    • Device Form
    • Badge Form
    • Regardless of form, the copies needed are:
      • One black and white line drawing
      • One copy of the color emblazon
  • For armory which uses a restricted charge (e.g., a coronet or an Augmentation of Arms), documentation must be included as to the submitter's right to use that charge.
  • Armory which uses a charge or design element which has not been registered previously should include documentation in support of period usage of that charge or element.
  • Armory submissions MUST have a "Proposed Blazon".
    • This helps Golden Dolphin to confirm the intended tinctures and charges
    • If uncertain as to the correct formal blazon, use common English, e.g., "I want two purple lions facing one another on either side of a red tower on a yellow background."
  • The color emblazon must be colored with Crayola Classic Markers or their equivalent as recognized by the Laurel office.
  • Armory which falls outside of the Core Style rules in SENA must document and follow an Individually Attested Pattern as described in SENA A.4.