Herald, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Court Reports

As specified in Triton Herald's Policies of the Kingdom of Atlantia, all court reports must be turned in by the herald who conducted court within two weeks of the event. The court report must be sent to the Crowns or Coronets who held court, with copies sent to the Clerk of Precedence, the Triton Principal Herald, and the Clerk Signet.

Click on the link below to file your

Royal Court Report

Baronial Court Report


All court reports filed must include the following information:

  • Presiding Crowns/Coronets
  • Event Name
  • Event Date
  • Court Time (if multiple courts were held during the day, specify morning, afternoon, evening, etc.)
  • Herald's Name

List each award in the order bestowed. For each award given, include the following information:

  • Award Name
  • SCA Name of recipient
  • Legal Name of recipient (if available. Do not hold up your report past the two week deadline even if it means submitting without this information)
  • Whether or not an official scroll was given

Guidelines for Better Reporting

"Full" court reports (those that include all the court business, not just the recordable awards) are welcome.

  • Number the items of business that are awards, each on a separate line, so that they can easily be found and entered in sequence.
  • If a Baronial Court was opened and conducted within a Royal Court, mention that Baronial Court occurred, in the appropriate order, among the awards listed.

Send a second version of the court report, with legal names removed, to both the Atlantian Heralds list and either the Merry Rose (for Royal Courts) or appropriate baronial e-list (for Baronial Courts). Posting it publicly allows for error checking and correction when things are still fresh in people's minds.

For Baronial Courts, send a copy of the full court report to the Baronial Herald if he/she was not the one to herald court.

Try to find the "official" spelling of the SCA name of the recipient used in the Order of Precedence and reference that (indicating changes in spelling/name registration, if known) in your court report. Note if this is a person's first award and s/he does not have an OP entry yet, if applicable.

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